Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Quiz Answers

July 19, 2023

Welcome back to our Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Quiz! In the previous article, we introduced the concept of pronoun antecedent agreement and tested your knowledge with ten questions. Now, it`s time to reveal the answers and help you understand why they are correct.

1. Each of the students brought _____ textbook to class.

Answer: his or her.

This sentence requires a singular pronoun to agree with the singular subject “each”. While there are several options for gender-neutral pronouns, using “his or her” is the most widely accepted solution.

2. The employees were told that if _____ arrive late again, they will be fired.

Answer: they.

In this sentence, the antecedent is “employees”, which is plural. Therefore, the pronoun must also be plural. While some may argue that “he or she” could be used, “they” is the most natural and commonly used option.

3. Either my sister or _____ will be attending the conference.

Answer: I.

This sentence requires a singular pronoun to agree with the singular subject “either”. “I” is the correct choice because it refers to the speaker, who is one of the two options mentioned in the sentence.

4. The dog that was lost has finally found _____ way home.

Answer: its.

The antecedent in this sentence is “dog”, which is singular. Therefore, the pronoun must also be singular. “Its” is the correct choice because it refers to the possessive form of the singular noun “dog”.

5. The team was confident in _____ ability to win the championship.

Answer: their.

In this sentence, the antecedent is “team”, which is a collective noun and can be either singular or plural depending on context. Since “ability” implies multiple individuals within the team, “their” is the correct choice for the subject-verb agreement.

6. Neither of the students submitted _____ assignment on time.

Answer: his or her.

Like sentence 1, this sentence requires a singular pronoun to agree with the singular subject “neither”. Due to the gender ambiguity, “his or her” is the best option.

7. Every one of the books _____ written by the famous author is a bestseller.

Answer: written.

In this sentence, the antecedent is “books”, which is plural. However, the pronoun in question is not referring to the subject, but rather describing the action that was done to the subject. Therefore, “written” is the correct choice for the past participle of the verb “write”.

8. The new manager began _____ job last week.

Answer: her.

The antecedent in this sentence is “manager”, which is singular and identified as female. Therefore, “her” is the correct choice for the pronoun.

9. The singer and songwriter performed _____ hit singles during the concert.

Answer: her.

In this sentence, the antecedent is “singer and songwriter”, which is singular and unambiguously identified as female. Therefore, “her” is the correct choice for the pronoun.

10. It`s important for everyone to feel _____ opinions are heard and respected.

Answer: their.

Like sentence 5, this sentence uses a collective noun (“everyone”) that implies multiple individuals. “Their” is the best option to agree with “opinions”, which is plural.

Congratulations on completing the Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Quiz! By understanding the grammar rules and practicing them, you can become a skilled writer who communicates effectively with your audience. Keep up the great work!
